Ariyana’s World

World through the eyes of a baby

Genius Baby February 21, 2009

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This morning when we dropped Ariyana off at school, her teacher told us she was a baby genius. She got all excited and told us that Ariyana is so smart and she amazes her. She said they were playing a matching game that had 2 pairs of dogs and 2 pairs of cats. The object of the game was to match the pairs together. Her teacher said it took her a minute to figure out what to do but once she did she matched all 4 pairs together. Her teacher was very impressed that she could do that at her age, the other kids in the class could not.

Then this afternoon when I picked her up, her other teacher was telling me that the other parents all comment on how much Ariyana talks. Apparently she tells all the kids and parents bye when they leave in the afternoon (she is usually the last one to leave). Her teacher said she is also a good cleaner. Today she told Ariyana to put the blocks away and Ariyana did it…..and sometimes she has a cloth and is helping clean the door when I get there. She said Ariyana is very good at listening to directions, when she wants to. She is really becoming a little girl now and not just a baby………It is really cool!!!

Oh yeah and here is a funny story………..yesterday in the car on our way home, I kept hearing “mmmmmmaa” coming from the back seat. I looked back there and Ariyana was back there with her shoes and socks off, her foot up to her mouth, kissing her toes. It was so funny, she would lower her foot, then grab it and kiss it again. She is SO crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her favorite thing to do in the car is take her shoes and socks off. She usually has at least one shoe off before we get out of the daycare parking lot. And sometimes she can’t get her socks all the way off so she screams and you have to help her………..this child has such a foot fetish!!!!!!!!!!!! She was sucking her toe the other day too.


Ear trouble again November 17, 2008

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So yesterday we noticed that Ariyana had a weird smell in her ear. I know that sounds weird but it was pretty strong. We thought that they just needed to be cleaned out so we took the baby q-tips and cleaned both ears out. I noticed a little drop of blood on the q-tip but it was so small I didn’t think it was that big of deal. I thought we had probably just irritated it a little with the q-tips. Well today I get a call from the daycare (they always make me so nervous because I see Legacy Academy on the caller ID and they only call with bad news, so my heart skips a beat everytime I see it) from her teacher telling me that her right ear drained yellow stuff out during nap. She said they noticed her playing with it a little bit earlier that day. She also said the left one was a little red. She told me that it really stunk too. She said at first she thought Ariyana had a dirty diaper, then bad breath, and then she realized it was her ear.

I called her doctor, told them she had tubes and explained what was going on. They asked me if Ariyana was running a fever or acting like it bothered her. I said no, just drainage and smell. They called in a prescription for her of ear drops that should help. She said to use them a couple of days and if they didn’t get better, I would have to bring her in. Hopefully the drops will work and she will be fine. I just hope the tube didn’t fall out of her ear. I don’t want her to get anymore earaches. They are torturous to her and to us. But hopefully she will still have the tubes and be fine. I will keep you posted.


Trick or Treat November 4, 2008

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Ariyana had a Halloween fall festival at school on Friday (Halloween). Zach was working from home that day so he took his lunch break and went down to the festival with her. He said it was fun and he took lots of pictures….she looked so cute all dressed up as a butterfly. After the festival, he took her by his mom’s house so she could see her all dressed up. She flew her around like a butterfly (a video will be available shortly) and it was so hilarious. Then he stopped by the bank with her and everybody got to see her all dressed up…..she was a little shy at first there but by the end, she was running all over the place. She had a good time, Julia (my boss’s granddaughter who is 3 days older than Ariyana) was there too.

When we got home, Lisa, Bradley, Trevor (9 yrs old), and Amelia (11 months) came over to go trick or treat with us. We went to Subway and picked up dinner, ate it and got ready to go trick or treating. Trevor was dressed as a vampire, Amelia as a flower, and Ariyana was a butterfly. They all looked so cute in their outfits. Lisa and Bradley brought their golf cart and that was so nice. We just all loaded on it and drove around the neighborhood. Lisa and I were holding the babies and would get out and carry them to the door….well let me tell you that got tiring FAST. Our arms were so sore after like the first 5 houses. We had to hold them on the golf cart and all the way to the door, so it was just continuously holding them. After like the first 10 houses we let the boys take them to a couple. Then we were back on the job taking them. We trick or treated for like 2 hours. It was a chilly out but I wasn’t that cold because I was getting a workout getting on and off the golf cart and walking to the doors. Ariyana and Amelia’s hands were cold but their outfits were fleece and had warm hats, so that was really good. They got some good candy and one guy was giving out change. Ariyana got $2.40 from him.

My mom and Richard came to our house to hand out candy while we trick or treated. They said we had a lot of kids come to the door. When we got back home, the kids were beat. Ariyana was laying her head on my shoulder towards the end of the night….it was like an hour and a half past her bedtime when we got home. Needless to say, she went to sleep as soon as we laid her down.

We had such a good time hanging out with our friends. We decided we should make this a yearly tradition for the kids. I am glad we got to all go together, it definitely made it more fun to have more people.




Just another day October 23, 2008

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So it was Ariyana’s second full day in the infant B room. She is adjusting really well. It is funny though, because every morning we have to walk by her old room and she looks in there like are we going in there? She seems to be doing well, she eats well and plays well in there. I think she likes being with the older kids because they can interact with her more.

After daycare, we stopped at the hospital to see Zach’s uncle. He has a very bad case of pneumonia and is in ICU. He is not doing well but is getting a tiny bit better each day. The doctors are definitely having lots of obstacles trying to treat him. They said it would be a very very long recovery, and he will be in ICU for at least 3 weeks. Ariyana got to see Zach’s aunt, other uncle, and cousin. She was shy at first but then really warmed up to them. She really enjoyed seeing them and playing with them. Other than that Ariyana’s day was pretty uneventful.

Yesterday, however, I put her hair in pigtails for daycare. She looked so adorable……I just had to take a picture.


Moving on up!!!!!! October 20, 2008

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So today at daycare, I talked to them about when Ariyana was going to move up to the infant B room (12 months – 18 months). They have been telling us for 2 weeks that she was going to be moving up but she hasn’t yet. Zach asked them about it Thursday when he picked her up and they said they like to talk to the parents and make sure that they want them to move up. They said it is not just their opinion but ours too, whether we think she is ready or not. Zach, the daycare, and I all agree she is ready.

Last Thursday and Friday they let her go in the infant B room for a little while and they said she loved it. They said she got upset when she had to go back to her room. I told the director today and she said that they would let her go in the infant B room a little bit every day this week to get her used to it and next Monday, she would be in there full time. I am happy that she gets to move up, but on the other hand, it is kind of sad because that means my little baby is growing up.

Also today at daycare, we took the sippy cup and told them to try it with her. She took it twice today and took the bottle twice. They said she did pretty good with it so she probably won’t need the bottle at all by the end of the week.


Doctor here we come October 13, 2008

After all our drama over the weekend with the throwing up and coughing, we decided that Ariyana needed to go to the doctor to make sure she didn’t have anything serious (our niece has a minor case of pneumonia and was around Ariyana).  I was off work today because it was Columbus Day and had an eye doctor appointment in Dahlonega (45 minutes away) at 11am.  So Zach was going to call the doctor when they opened and see what time they could see her.  I told him to try for the afternoon so I would be back in time to take her.

He dropped her off at daycare and on his way to work, he called the doctor’s to see when they could see her.  This was around 8am and they told him they had an opening at 8:15 and he said I will take it.  He turned around and went backc to the daycare, picked up Ariyana, and headed to the doctor’s.  When they got there they went right into the examination room and saw the doctor.  He checked her breathing, ears, nose and throat and decided that she just had a bad cold and lots of congestion.  He said he didn’t see any signs of it being pneumonia and as for the throwing up, he said it was probably a little bit of a stomach virus.  He said it wasn’t contagious and she was okay to go back to daycare.  He said give her Triaminic and Little Nose nasal drops to help with the congestion, and Infant Tylenol for the fever and aching. He also said not to force her to eat but to make sure she had plenty of water, formula, and pedialyte to keep her hydrated.

She went back to daycare and was okay the rest of the day.  When I picked her up, they said she was not herself.  They said she just wanted to be held and that she slept a lot.  The doctor said she might want to sleep a lot and to let her so that was kind of good.  She was the same way when we got home, very clingy and didn’t really want to play.  She did, however, go right to sleep when we put her to bed.


Fever from shots October 3, 2008

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This morning when I was getting Ariyana ready for daycare she was laughing and playing with me while I was changing her until I touched her leg to change her diaper….then she started crying.  I knew her legs were sore from the shots so I gave her some Infant Tylenol.  She seemed okay after I got her dressed…she was a little more clingy this morning than normal but didn’t have a fever or anything.  We told the daycare that she had the shots yesterday and was sore so to keep an eye on her….and they said okay.

Around 1pm, I get a call from the daycare saying that Ariyana was running a fever of 101.6 and that she might need some medicine.  I asked if I brought her some, could they give it to her because last time I brought some they said they could not give it to her without a doctor’s note.  They told me since they knew the fever was from the shots, they would give her some but to call the doctor and have them fax over a note and it would be good for a couple of days.  So Zach and I, took our lunch, and ran to Wal-mart, got the Tylenol, and took it over to the daycare.  We gave her the medicine, kissed her and told her we would be back to get her soon.  She definitely had a fever but seemed okay still.  She was sitting at the table eating a cracker when we walked in.

At 3:30p, I received another call from the daycare saying that Ariyana still had a fever of 101.4 and she seemed very out of it.  I told them I would call the doctor and see what they said about it.  The doctor’s office told me it was normal for them to run a 101 or 102 fever for up to 3 days but longer than that I needed to call and let them know.  So we called the daycare back and told them that the doctor said that was normal and just to let her lay down and nap and we would be there as soon as we got off work.

I went and picked her up after work and talked to her teacher.  She said that Ariyana was doing okay and had taken nap.  She told me the other teacher earlier had freaked out a little about Ariyana’s condition.  She said Ariyana did have a fever but she was out of it because she was tired not because she was sick.  She said that she held her until she fell asleep and then put her in her crib.  She then just checked on her every once in a while to make sure she was okay.  When we were leaving, she said “Bye Ariyana, I love you, I really do love you, you are such a good baby, so easy.”  It made me feel good that they like Ariyana so much….I think that is why she hasn’t moved to the next room yet because they move up at a year, sometimes earlier.

By the time we got home, Ariyana acted like she was feeling better, she was playing and babbling like normal.  Then we fed her dinner and let her play til bedtime.  About 20 minutes before bed, Ariyana was playing in the living room and all of a sudden she just started throwing up all over the carpet.  It was not a little bit of throw up either, it was EVERYTHING she ate….it was so nasty.  We fed her baby food squash, which is orange so it looked nice on light carpet.  After that she got a bath and went to bed.  I got the stain out of the carpet luckily.  It was a very adventurous day to say the least….I am just glad it is FRIDAY 🙂


Busted Up September 8, 2008

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Well Ariyana didn’t have a very good day today at daycare. Around 11am I received a call at work from the daycare….I hate when I see their number pop up on the caller ID, my heart skips a beat every time. They were calling to tell me that Ariyana was walking by herself today and fell and hit her mouth on the ground. They said that she was okay but her lip was swollen. I asked if she was still crying and they said no she was fine. They gave her some sherbet to help the swelling (because it was cold) and gave her some TLC and she was doing better. It relieved me a little to know they took good care of her but I wish I could have been there to just hold her in my arms….I probably would have cried more than she had if I had been there though. Then when I finally got off work and could go check on my baby, I walk into the room and her teacher said Ariyana hasn’t been feeling well today. She said she was a little cranky (which is not like Ariyana) and that she didn’t want her afternoon bottle but it wasn’t because of her lip because she ate all her lunch and drank her bottle then (which is really not like Ariyana to not want a bottle). Then she said Ariyana was very cuddly and fell asleep in her arms….Ariyana never stays still so that is a huge sign that she isn’t feeling well. After we were done talking, I walked over to Ariyana’s crib (where she ws sleeping) and I looked down at her and her lip was really swollen….a lot more than I thought. It made her look like she had a huge overbite…it was so sad. It looked so painful, it hurt me just to look at it. I am never going to make it when she really hurts herself….it broke my heart to know that she was hurt. I got her home though and she seemed to be doing better. She pushed her little toy all around the house again tonight. The swelling had gone down a little by the time we put her to bed.


Look at my poor lip 😦