Ariyana’s World

World through the eyes of a baby

Moving on up!!!!!! October 20, 2008

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So today at daycare, I talked to them about when Ariyana was going to move up to the infant B room (12 months – 18 months). They have been telling us for 2 weeks that she was going to be moving up but she hasn’t yet. Zach asked them about it Thursday when he picked her up and they said they like to talk to the parents and make sure that they want them to move up. They said it is not just their opinion but ours too, whether we think she is ready or not. Zach, the daycare, and I all agree she is ready.

Last Thursday and Friday they let her go in the infant B room for a little while and they said she loved it. They said she got upset when she had to go back to her room. I told the director today and she said that they would let her go in the infant B room a little bit every day this week to get her used to it and next Monday, she would be in there full time. I am happy that she gets to move up, but on the other hand, it is kind of sad because that means my little baby is growing up.

Also today at daycare, we took the sippy cup and told them to try it with her. She took it twice today and took the bottle twice. They said she did pretty good with it so she probably won’t need the bottle at all by the end of the week.


Sippy cup drama

The daycare told us that now that Ariyana is on whole milk, as soon as she can drink out of a sippy cup, we can just bring her sippy cup and they will provide the milk for her. But if she is still using a bottle, then we have to fill the bottle ourselves at home….kind of strange but that is the rule. So on Sunday we thought it would be a good day for her to try to drink her milk out of her sippy cup. Well she didn’t think that was a good idea. I even bought her a new one that I thought she would like. I gave it to her when we went to eat at Zaxbys and she played with and held it the whole time so I was thinking she won’t have any problem switching….she is not very picky….WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got home and it was time for her bottle. So I put the milk in her new sippy cup and gave it to her. She took one sip and put it down. Then she started crying and came over to me and just wrapped her arms around me and i just held her. After about a minute, she looked at the cup and started crying again. This went on for about 20 minutes. I even took a sip twice to show her that it was “fun” and that she would like doing it. Then Zach picked up the cup (I was still holding her because she wouldn’t let me put her down) and he put it in her mouth and she took a sip. We both started praising her and clapping and telling her she was a good girl. She kind of smiled and went to take another sip. She was having trouble though with the new cup so we went and put it another one of her cups. We did the same thing, handed it to her and praised her when she took it. FINALLY she laid down and drank the whole cup. We were so proud and happy that we didn’t have to watch her cry anymore. Then she went and played like everything was fine.

We gave her the cup again at dinner and she took it just fine. It didn’t take as long as we thought it would to transition her. What a relief? I have read that it takes some babies days, weeks, even months to stop taking the bottle.