Ariyana’s World

World through the eyes of a baby

Poor sick baby :( February 24, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — ariyanasworld @ 11:27 pm
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I received a phone call at 4:45 from Ariyana’s school saying that she was running a fever of 103.2 including the bump up degree (they add a degree to the temperature if they don’t take it rectally and they don’t take it rectally). I told them I would be there shortly and just make her comfortable as they can. When I got there to pick her up, her teacher told me that she was fine all day and then this afternoon she felt really hot and was kind of clingy. I asked how she ate today (because the last few days she has not been eating as much as usual). Saturday she didn’t eat lunch or all her dinner, Sunday she hardly ate lunch or dinner and Monday her teacher said she barely ate lunch. Her teacher said she didn’t eat very much today either but she did eat a sausage biscuit for breakfast.

She fell asleep on the way to get Zach which she never does, but I just let her sleep because she is sick. She slept in the car for like 45 minutes because we didn’t get home til 7:00. When we got home, we gave her some tylenol and then fed her some dinner. She was eating dinner and all of a sudden she started throwing up. And it was a lot of throw up, it just kept coming. I mean her lunch came back up too, it was so sad because she was getting upset and I know it didn’t feel well. After that, she didn’t want anymore dinner and I don’t blame her at all. I knew she needed some liquids though, so I tried to get her to drink some pedialyte…..she wouldn’t though, nor would she drink any of her milk. She wouldn’t even let me put the cup on her high chair, she would pick it up and hand it to me and whine til I took it off. I did give her cheerios though and she ate them so at least she got something in her little belly. After that, she went to bed at her normal time which is 8pm without a fight. I was worried since she took a 45 minute nap at 6:15 that she wouldn’t go to bed but she did………….she is such a great baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I feel so bad that she is sick.


Busted Up September 8, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ariyanasworld @ 9:43 pm
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Well Ariyana didn’t have a very good day today at daycare. Around 11am I received a call at work from the daycare….I hate when I see their number pop up on the caller ID, my heart skips a beat every time. They were calling to tell me that Ariyana was walking by herself today and fell and hit her mouth on the ground. They said that she was okay but her lip was swollen. I asked if she was still crying and they said no she was fine. They gave her some sherbet to help the swelling (because it was cold) and gave her some TLC and she was doing better. It relieved me a little to know they took good care of her but I wish I could have been there to just hold her in my arms….I probably would have cried more than she had if I had been there though. Then when I finally got off work and could go check on my baby, I walk into the room and her teacher said Ariyana hasn’t been feeling well today. She said she was a little cranky (which is not like Ariyana) and that she didn’t want her afternoon bottle but it wasn’t because of her lip because she ate all her lunch and drank her bottle then (which is really not like Ariyana to not want a bottle). Then she said Ariyana was very cuddly and fell asleep in her arms….Ariyana never stays still so that is a huge sign that she isn’t feeling well. After we were done talking, I walked over to Ariyana’s crib (where she ws sleeping) and I looked down at her and her lip was really swollen….a lot more than I thought. It made her look like she had a huge overbite…it was so sad. It looked so painful, it hurt me just to look at it. I am never going to make it when she really hurts herself….it broke my heart to know that she was hurt. I got her home though and she seemed to be doing better. She pushed her little toy all around the house again tonight. The swelling had gone down a little by the time we put her to bed.


Look at my poor lip 😦