Ariyana’s World

World through the eyes of a baby

Poor sick baby :( February 24, 2009

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I received a phone call at 4:45 from Ariyana’s school saying that she was running a fever of 103.2 including the bump up degree (they add a degree to the temperature if they don’t take it rectally and they don’t take it rectally). I told them I would be there shortly and just make her comfortable as they can. When I got there to pick her up, her teacher told me that she was fine all day and then this afternoon she felt really hot and was kind of clingy. I asked how she ate today (because the last few days she has not been eating as much as usual). Saturday she didn’t eat lunch or all her dinner, Sunday she hardly ate lunch or dinner and Monday her teacher said she barely ate lunch. Her teacher said she didn’t eat very much today either but she did eat a sausage biscuit for breakfast.

She fell asleep on the way to get Zach which she never does, but I just let her sleep because she is sick. She slept in the car for like 45 minutes because we didn’t get home til 7:00. When we got home, we gave her some tylenol and then fed her some dinner. She was eating dinner and all of a sudden she started throwing up. And it was a lot of throw up, it just kept coming. I mean her lunch came back up too, it was so sad because she was getting upset and I know it didn’t feel well. After that, she didn’t want anymore dinner and I don’t blame her at all. I knew she needed some liquids though, so I tried to get her to drink some pedialyte…..she wouldn’t though, nor would she drink any of her milk. She wouldn’t even let me put the cup on her high chair, she would pick it up and hand it to me and whine til I took it off. I did give her cheerios though and she ate them so at least she got something in her little belly. After that, she went to bed at her normal time which is 8pm without a fight. I was worried since she took a 45 minute nap at 6:15 that she wouldn’t go to bed but she did………….she is such a great baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I feel so bad that she is sick.


Pumpkin patch here we come!! October 27, 2008

Zach and I went to the Georgia Tech game on Saturday so Ariyana spent the whole day and night with my mom (Grandma).  My mom said she was a little more clingy than normal but Ariyana has had a cold so that doesn’t surprise me.  She also threw all her milk up at dinner.  My mom said it was all over the high chair trey….YUCK!!!!  She also took a nap from 3:45 – 6:00p and then my mom woke her up so that she would go to bed….and she went to bed fine at 8:30.

Sunday, my mom, Richard, Jennifer, and Robb met us at the outlets to go to Burt’s pumpkin farm.  When we got to the outlets, my mom informed me that Ariyana had not taken a nap all day (this like at 1:30p).  She said Ariyana was acting tired at 11am so my mom thought surely she would sleep in the car on the way to Dawsonville…..wrong, then we thought she might sleep on the way to Burt’s…..wrong.  So she didn’t take a nap at all before the pumpkin farm.

We got to Burt’s around 2p and had a picnic lunch.  Then we opened birthday presents, (my mom, Zach, and I) and after that, we headed in to see all the pumpkins.  We had fun there.  We tried to get some cute pictures of Ariyana in the pumpkin patch but it was hard.  She wanted to be held, and would reach for your hand every time you put her down.  Eventually she got used to the pumpkins a little bit and would walk around touching them, but then you couldn’t get a picture of her looking at you because she was so fascinated by the pumpkins.  After we walked around for a while and Robb took some pictures we left.  It was a fun day and beautiful weather.  Ariyana slept all the way home, she was so exhausted.  When we were leaving, I was carrying her and she had her head laying on my shoulder, and for those of us who know Ariyana, that is not like her at all.  Here are some pictures of her in the pumpkin patch.


Doctor here we come October 13, 2008

After all our drama over the weekend with the throwing up and coughing, we decided that Ariyana needed to go to the doctor to make sure she didn’t have anything serious (our niece has a minor case of pneumonia and was around Ariyana).  I was off work today because it was Columbus Day and had an eye doctor appointment in Dahlonega (45 minutes away) at 11am.  So Zach was going to call the doctor when they opened and see what time they could see her.  I told him to try for the afternoon so I would be back in time to take her.

He dropped her off at daycare and on his way to work, he called the doctor’s to see when they could see her.  This was around 8am and they told him they had an opening at 8:15 and he said I will take it.  He turned around and went backc to the daycare, picked up Ariyana, and headed to the doctor’s.  When they got there they went right into the examination room and saw the doctor.  He checked her breathing, ears, nose and throat and decided that she just had a bad cold and lots of congestion.  He said he didn’t see any signs of it being pneumonia and as for the throwing up, he said it was probably a little bit of a stomach virus.  He said it wasn’t contagious and she was okay to go back to daycare.  He said give her Triaminic and Little Nose nasal drops to help with the congestion, and Infant Tylenol for the fever and aching. He also said not to force her to eat but to make sure she had plenty of water, formula, and pedialyte to keep her hydrated.

She went back to daycare and was okay the rest of the day.  When I picked her up, they said she was not herself.  They said she just wanted to be held and that she slept a lot.  The doctor said she might want to sleep a lot and to let her so that was kind of good.  She was the same way when we got home, very clingy and didn’t really want to play.  She did, however, go right to sleep when we put her to bed.


Mule Camp Market and Pictures

So this weekend was Mule Camp Market in Gainesville.  What is Mule Camp Market you ask??  Well it is a festival where lots of vendors get together and sell things.  They also have music, food, and games for the kids.  We took Ariyana there on Saturday and had a really good time.  My mom met us there too and went.  We walked around for a while shopping.  I bought my stepdad his Christmas gift….and he is really going to like it.  I also bought a little backpack to use as a diaper bag.  I have been trying to find one for a while so I was happy to find it.  Ariyana had a very good time at the festival.  We had her in the stroller but she wanted to walk.  We finally took her out of the stroller and let her walk around.  She walked for like 15 minutes.  We were walking down one of the aisles and there was music playing.  All of a sudden, she stopped walking and just started dancing.  One of the ladies at a booth saw her and started to dance too, which made Ariyana dance even more….it was so cute.  Then we got some food and of course Ariyana had to have some of everything we were eating.

Then Saturday night we went to our nephew’s 10th birthday party.  We had a really good time there.  While we were there, we were eating watermelon and I had cut some up for Ariyana.  She was eating them just fine, then my sister-in-law picked her up and i continued to feed her.  All of a sudden she acted like she was choking and then she just started throwing up….all in my hand and then in the kitchen sink.  Luckily we were standing in the kitchen next to the sink.  Other than that, the party was good.

On Sunday we went down to Melissa’s (my sister) to take Ariyana’s one year old pictures after church.  Ariyana still had her cough and it was still getting worse.  The church nursery said that they could tell Ariyana wasn’t feeling well.  They said she is always such a happy baby and today she was just clingy and not happy.  We asked them when she would move up to the next room there because the one she is in is for birth to crawlers and she is now walking.  They said that it was really up to us, but that we could keep her in that room for a little longer until she was good at walking.  They said the next room has some big kids and they are a little rougher so it would be good if Ariyana could hold her own before she moved up.  The lady that watched her during the service said that she didn’t want Ariyana to move to it because she really enjoyed watching her and would be jealous if she was over there.

After church we headed to Melissa’s house.  When we got there Ariyana went right to Melissa, which is usually a good sign that she will be okay for the pictures.  We decided to do the cupcake picture first just in case she wasn’t feeling well enough to do other pictures.  We put her in her white onsie and put the cupcake in front of her.  It was chocolate with pink icing.   She looked at it and put her finger in it.  Then she looked at her hand like what the crap is this on my hand.  She looked over at me and started to whine a little.  Then I took some icing and tried to put it in her mouth but she just turned away…I can’t believe Ariyana didn’t want food.  Anyway, then she stuck her foot in the icing and then her leg…..Needless to say she had it all over her leg but didn’t eat any.  After I washed all the icing off, we put her in the GT cheerleading outfit and took some pics.  She wouldn’t be still for them so we would stand her as far back on the paper as we could and then get out of the way and she would start walking toward Melissa and she would snap the pics.  Then we did some pictures in the Georgia cheerleading outfit and did the same thing. Then we put her birthday outfit on and finished up the session.  Through all this, her cough continued to get worse.

We got home and fed Ariyana dinner.  While I was feeding her she did the same thing as Saturday night, she acted like she was choking and then started throwing up everything.  It startled her so bad that she started crying….it was sad 😦  It was also the nastiest thing….she covered her whole high chair tray with throw up….I thought Zach and me were going to lose it too.  It was hard to swallow.  After we cleaned all that up and her, we decided to give her some puffs and cheerios (because they are a little more solid so if they came back up it wouldn’t be as nasty).  Well some of them came back up too.  It was a rough night to say the least.  Then she was so congested she couldn’t sleep, she was up til 1am crying.  She would stop if we held her but as soon as we put her down, she started to cry again.  I gave her a bottle at 12am because I thought she might be hungry since she didn’t keep her dinner down…It seemed to help her because from 12am to 1am she was awake but not crying….just laying in her crib talking to herself and animals.