Ariyana’s World

World through the eyes of a baby

Happy birthday to Ariyana’s best friend November 10, 2008

Sunday we went to Amelia (1st) and Trevor’s (8th) birthday party.  Amelia’s first birthday was Friday and Trevor’s was today so they had a joint party on Sunday.  It was a lot of fun.  There were so many babies there, I think there were 5 kids under the age of 2.  Then there were lots of bigger kids for Trevor’s party and adults too.  They had a really good turn out.  Ariyana was a little shy at first but then she found a toy she liked and played with some of the other babies for a while.  She had a really good time.  They also had this little rocking horse and I put Ariyana on it and she loved it.  You squeezed his ear and he would start talking….she just cracked up laughing when he talked….it was the cutest thing ever.  She was in a really good mood the whole time we were there which was about 4 hours.  She ate a hot dog and drank tons of juice.  We were very proud of how well she did….our little baby is growing up.  She kept walking all around the house and she kept walking to the door and looking outside at the big kids.  You could tell that she wanted to go play with the big kids. Overall, I think Ariyana really enjoyed being there.  She wasn’t even really that shy.  After that we ran to the store and headed home.


Just another day October 23, 2008

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So it was Ariyana’s second full day in the infant B room. She is adjusting really well. It is funny though, because every morning we have to walk by her old room and she looks in there like are we going in there? She seems to be doing well, she eats well and plays well in there. I think she likes being with the older kids because they can interact with her more.

After daycare, we stopped at the hospital to see Zach’s uncle. He has a very bad case of pneumonia and is in ICU. He is not doing well but is getting a tiny bit better each day. The doctors are definitely having lots of obstacles trying to treat him. They said it would be a very very long recovery, and he will be in ICU for at least 3 weeks. Ariyana got to see Zach’s aunt, other uncle, and cousin. She was shy at first but then really warmed up to them. She really enjoyed seeing them and playing with them. Other than that Ariyana’s day was pretty uneventful.

Yesterday, however, I put her hair in pigtails for daycare. She looked so adorable……I just had to take a picture.