Ariyana’s World

World through the eyes of a baby

Trick or Treat November 4, 2008

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Ariyana had a Halloween fall festival at school on Friday (Halloween). Zach was working from home that day so he took his lunch break and went down to the festival with her. He said it was fun and he took lots of pictures….she looked so cute all dressed up as a butterfly. After the festival, he took her by his mom’s house so she could see her all dressed up. She flew her around like a butterfly (a video will be available shortly) and it was so hilarious. Then he stopped by the bank with her and everybody got to see her all dressed up…..she was a little shy at first there but by the end, she was running all over the place. She had a good time, Julia (my boss’s granddaughter who is 3 days older than Ariyana) was there too.

When we got home, Lisa, Bradley, Trevor (9 yrs old), and Amelia (11 months) came over to go trick or treat with us. We went to Subway and picked up dinner, ate it and got ready to go trick or treating. Trevor was dressed as a vampire, Amelia as a flower, and Ariyana was a butterfly. They all looked so cute in their outfits. Lisa and Bradley brought their golf cart and that was so nice. We just all loaded on it and drove around the neighborhood. Lisa and I were holding the babies and would get out and carry them to the door….well let me tell you that got tiring FAST. Our arms were so sore after like the first 5 houses. We had to hold them on the golf cart and all the way to the door, so it was just continuously holding them. After like the first 10 houses we let the boys take them to a couple. Then we were back on the job taking them. We trick or treated for like 2 hours. It was a chilly out but I wasn’t that cold because I was getting a workout getting on and off the golf cart and walking to the doors. Ariyana and Amelia’s hands were cold but their outfits were fleece and had warm hats, so that was really good. They got some good candy and one guy was giving out change. Ariyana got $2.40 from him.

My mom and Richard came to our house to hand out candy while we trick or treated. They said we had a lot of kids come to the door. When we got back home, the kids were beat. Ariyana was laying her head on my shoulder towards the end of the night….it was like an hour and a half past her bedtime when we got home. Needless to say, she went to sleep as soon as we laid her down.

We had such a good time hanging out with our friends. We decided we should make this a yearly tradition for the kids. I am glad we got to all go together, it definitely made it more fun to have more people.




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