Ariyana’s World

World through the eyes of a baby

Ear trouble again November 17, 2008

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So yesterday we noticed that Ariyana had a weird smell in her ear. I know that sounds weird but it was pretty strong. We thought that they just needed to be cleaned out so we took the baby q-tips and cleaned both ears out. I noticed a little drop of blood on the q-tip but it was so small I didn’t think it was that big of deal. I thought we had probably just irritated it a little with the q-tips. Well today I get a call from the daycare (they always make me so nervous because I see Legacy Academy on the caller ID and they only call with bad news, so my heart skips a beat everytime I see it) from her teacher telling me that her right ear drained yellow stuff out during nap. She said they noticed her playing with it a little bit earlier that day. She also said the left one was a little red. She told me that it really stunk too. She said at first she thought Ariyana had a dirty diaper, then bad breath, and then she realized it was her ear.

I called her doctor, told them she had tubes and explained what was going on. They asked me if Ariyana was running a fever or acting like it bothered her. I said no, just drainage and smell. They called in a prescription for her of ear drops that should help. She said to use them a couple of days and if they didn’t get better, I would have to bring her in. Hopefully the drops will work and she will be fine. I just hope the tube didn’t fall out of her ear. I don’t want her to get anymore earaches. They are torturous to her and to us. But hopefully she will still have the tubes and be fine. I will keep you posted.