Ariyana’s World

World through the eyes of a baby

Smarty pants February 4, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — ariyanasworld @ 11:39 pm
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This morning when we dropped Ariyana off at school, her teacher looked at me and said quietly you know ariyana is so smart, she is the smartest kid in the class. She also told us that Ariyana has surpassed the comprehension of their classroom curriculum. Zach and I thought that was pretty awesome.

They are having a Valentine party at her school next friday and we are in charge of bringing strawberry syrup so that they can have pink milk… that cute. You know what else is really cool that they are doing?? On Valentine’s Day (sat) for $25 dollars, you can drop your kid off from 5-10 and that way you and your significant other can go out and celebrate. They will provide dinner for the children and play games with them. I think that is a really good idea.

Overall, she had a pretty good day, it was pretty uneventful….she is talking more and more every day but you still can’t understand her. It won’t be long though and i am sure she will be saying real words.